
Patronage is a form of adhesion or manifestation of appreciation by the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for national or international initiatives of high cultural, social, scientific, artistic, historical, or sports relevance, excluding those with commercial purposes or aims and of a strictly local nature. The patronage is granted free of charge and does not imply further commitments of any kind by the Minister.
For further information, please contact:
Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies through the
Civil Protection Department
Office of the Deputy Head of Department
Communication and culture of civil protection service
Via Ulpiano, 11 - 00193 Rome
Phone. 06 68204097
Patronage by the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies may be granted for initiatives promoted preferably by bodies and associations and not by private individuals. Profit-earning initiatives are automatically excluded.
When patronage is granted, the organisers can refer to it in all the media used to publicise the initiative, such as announcements, posters, brochures, etc.
Together with patronage, use of the logo can also be requested at the same time. The patronage and logo granted can only be used for the event in the request. If the event is repeated every year, a new request must be presented each time.
To request patronage and use of the logo the following must be sent by fax or ordinary post, at least 90 days before the date of the event:
- the form available on this site
- the illustrative report of the initiative
- draft of the program
- the draft of the promotional and advertising material
The application must be signed by the representative of the requesting organization or association. The documentation must be sent by certified e-mail, and the subject of the request must bear the words "Patronage request for...". The references to send the request for sponsorship are the following:
Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies through the
Civil Protection Department
Office of the Deputy Head of Department
Communication and culture of civil protection service
Via Ulpiano, 11 - 00193 Rome
Certified e-mail (PEC):
Once it arrives, the application is registered and assigned to the Office of the Deputy Head of the Civil Protection Department and then forwarded to the Office of the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies for an opinion on the initiative's content. If the opinion is favorable, i.e., the initiative is recognized as worthy, the application is sent to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Office of State Ceremonial and Honors, for clearance. Once the clearance is obtained, the granting of patronage is communicated, and contact is made with the communications office regarding the use of the logo.
In case of a negative evaluation, or in case of a short deadline, the procedure ends with the communication of the negative evaluation and the motivation thereof.
Use of the logo is granted only for initiatives that have obtained patronage. In the case of authorization, the Office of the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies provides directly to the applicant the relevant details for publication and the files for printing.
The logo and words “Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies” may, for no reason whatsoever, be used for anything other than the initiative for which they have been authorized.
Improper use is liable to prosecution. Offenders also face a prison sentence of up to six years, under article 497-ter of the Italian penal code, for unauthorized use of the above logo in territories where the state of emergency declared under Article 24 of Legislative Decree No. 1 of January 2, 2018, applies; this provision is provided for in Article 15, Paragraph 3, of Decree-Law No. 39 of April 28, 2009, converted by Law No. 77 of June 24, 2009.