Emergencies for meteo-hydro risk
This sections provides a summary of all the states of emergency declared for extraordinary weather events, floods and landslides since May 2013.
Indeed, it should be noted that these emergencies are subject to the provisions introduced by Law Decree no. 93 of August 14, 2013, converted into Law no. 119/2013, which amends Law no. 225/1992: the duration of the state of emergency has been increased to 180 days as the possible extension; the establishment of the Fund for national emergencies from which resources are drawn more promptly to deal with the events; the redefinition of the areas of intervention governed by ordinances of civil protection; the precise recognition of the needs for the activities of restoration and damage census by the Commissioners delegated.
For each emergency, data are indicated on the measures adopted, the Commissioner Delegate, the references of the special account, the amounts reported by the Regions for the request for the state of emergency and aimed at covering the expenses for urgent interventions and the first damage assessment, the resources allocated and those transferred, the survey carried out by the Commissioners Delegate concerning the needs for the restoration of structures and infrastructures, public and private, and for the damage compensation, and the administration ordinarily competent to coordinate the interventions once the state of emergency is closed.
Only resources that come from the National Emergency Fund and are managed by the Civil Protection Department are indicated for the various emergencies. Further funding not directly managed by the Department (regional funds, further state funds that do not come from the fund for national emergencies, European funds) will be added.