EXE Flegrei Exercise 2024
From October 9 to 12, the national exercise on volcanic risk called "Exe Flegrei 2024" will occur in Campania. The exercise is organized by the Civil Protection Department and the Campania Region in collaboration with the municipalities in the red zone, the Prefecture of Naples, and the Department's operational structures and Centers of Competence.
The regions and autonomous provinces, twinned with the municipalities involved, also participate in the exercise program.
This program is part of the broader initiative under Decree Law 140/2023, which has scheduled three exercises for 2024. On April 22, June 25, and 26, rapid emergency planning for the bradyseismic phenomenon was tested. "Exe Flegrei 2024" aims to test national planning for volcanic risk.
Ampia partecipazione della cittadinanza
The message will be broadcast during the exercise to cell phones in the Campania Region, potentially involving neighboring regions due to the overshooting phenomenon
Il messaggio di allarme verrà trasmesso sui cellulari presenti nella regione Campania