The objectives

Gli obiettivi exe flegrei 2024

The exercise has the following main objectives:

  • Evaluation of the Campi Flegrei volcano's activity by the scientific community to determine the necessary alert level for activating operational phases.
  • Testing the national public warning system IT-alert.
  • Engaging the population to participate in an assisted evacuation test.
  • Activating and organizing local operations centers (Relief Coordination Centres - CCS and Municipal Operations Centres - COC) and testing communication flow.
  • Setting up, organizing, and activating the Di.Coma.C at the headquarters in San Marco Evangelista (Caserta).
  • Testing the population evacuation plan, with a focus on assisted evacuation.
  • Activation and setup of waiting areas in 7 municipalities within the red zone, and 5 out of 6 meeting areas along with POAIs (Operational locations for the management of the meeting areas).
  • Registration of the population participating in the exercise at the meeting areas.
  • Testing of sector plans.
  • Involvement of twinned regions and autonomous provinces in testing relocation and population reception plans.
  • Technical assessments of current and potential hydrogeological disruptions resulting from seismic tremors (in the pre-alarm phase).
  • Verification of evacuation routes.
  • Evaluation of the exercise.