The exercise

The exercise scenario simulates the variation of the parameters of the monitoring of the Campi Flegrei volcano with the occurrence of phenomena leading to the transition from the current yellow alert state to the orange alert level, signaling strong volcano instability. This will escalate further to a red alert level, which is associated with an upcoming eruption and the activation of the operational phase of alarm.
The Department's Centers of Competence will record parameters and monitor and assess the volcano's status. Alongside these activities, the procedures outlined in the National Planning will be implemented, and the Civil Protection System's operational response will be tested.
According to the INGV Vesuvius Observatory, there are additional irregularities in the monitoring parameters compared to the current situation of the volcano (yellow alert level). The Centers of Competence convene in an extraordinary video conference to assess the current situation. Following this, the National Commission for the Forecasting and Prevention of Major Risks - Volcanic Risk Sector holds an extraordinary meeting.
Due to the heightened ground deformation, increased seismic activity, and elevated levels of volcanic gas emissions, the National Commission for the Forecasting and Prevention of Major Risks - Volcanic Risk Sector (CGR-SRV) issues an orange alert level.
The Civil Protection System is gradually activated. The Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies, based on the recommendation of the Head of the Civil Protection Department and after consulting with the President of the Campania Region, declares the pre-alarm operational phase, leading to a declaration of a national emergency. The Operational Committee of Civil Protection is immediately assembled. At the local level, the Civil Protection System is activated, including establishing the Relief Coordination Center (CCS) at the Prefecture of Naples and the Municipal Operational Centers (COCs) in the municipalities of the red zone. Subsequently, the Directorate of Command and Control (Di.Coma.C.) is established in the territory, leading to the closure of the Operational Committee of Civil Protection.
The headquarters of Di.Coma.C., identified by the Campania Region, is located in San Marco Evangelista, in the province of Caserta, outside the volcano's red zone.
Due to the evolving situation, international assistance is requested through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
On this day, the exercise simulates the changes in the volcano's geochemical and geophysical monitoring parameters. This includes continuous seismic events that are being felt by the population, even of moderate magnitude, along with associated landslide phenomena. There is also strong hydrothermal activity, some of which is sudden and intense, as well as the emergence of new fumarolic areas and rapid soil deformations in various parts of the caldera.
The Di.Coma.C. is already operational and is responsible for coordinating the activation of all sector planning, including:
- Planning for the activities of the INGV and other Centers of Competence
- Planning of the Armed Forces (air, navy, and ground forces)
- Planning for the Fire Department and CAPI
- Planning of public order
- Planning of the health sector
- Planning for the protection of cultural property
- Planning for emergency telecommunications
- Planning for the functionality of essential services
The municipalities are activating the waiting areas and preparing all the measures outlined in the municipal planning. Di.Coma.C. is also preparing the meeting areas and activating the POAIs-Operational locations managing the meeting areas.
In the afternoon, the ongoing development of the situation, with monitoring parameters consistently showing high values over an extended period, confirms the pre-eruptive dynamics. Therefore, during an extraordinary session of the Major Risks Commission - Volcanic Risk Sector, the alert level is elevated from orange to red.
At this stage, the IT-alert message notifying citizens in the Campania Region about the start of evacuation operations from the red zone is being tested.
The assisted evacuation plan for the seven municipalities is being activated with the involvement of the population.
For some of the citizens of the municipalities of Naples, Bacoli, Monte di Procida, Quarto, Pozzuoli, Giugliano in Campania, and Marano di Napoli, evacuation from the waiting areas to the meeting areas is tested, while relocation to the twinned Regions and Autonomous Provinces is tested only for command posts.
The evacuation of citizens from waiting areas to meeting areas is arranged by regional buses by the Civil Protection of the Campania Region with the support of the regional agency ACaMIR.
The exercise activities end on the afternoon of Saturday, October 12.