The assisted evacuation plan

L'allontanamento assistito

On October 12, what is provided in the assisted evacuation plan is tested, namely the actual evacuation of a sample of the population participating in the voluntary exercise activities in the 7 municipalities of the red zone.

From the waiting areas provided by the municipal plans, the citizens are transferred to the meeting areas outside the red zone through the means provided by the Campania Region.

Waiting areas are designated by the Municipal Civil Protection Plans for citizens in the red zone to depart for assisted transfer to twinned regions if necessary. In this exercise, 13 waiting areas will be activated, including 4 in Naples, 2 in Pozzuoli, 2 in Bacoli, 1 in Monte di Procida, 2 in Quarto, 1 in Marano, and 1 in Giugliano.

In the five meeting areas that will be activated (out of a total of six), the registration of exercise participants will be done using a computerized system provided by the Department of Civil Protection.

Then, their transfer to the first reception points of the twinned regions and autonomous provinces is simulated.

Municipality Waiting areas Meeting areas Twinned regions

Means of transfer

NAPOLI - Bagnoli Viale della Liberazione Napoli
Piazza Garibaldi, area in front of the Central Station

NAPOLI - Soccavo

Piazza Giovanni XXIII Napoli
Piazza Garibaldi, area in front of the Central Station
Emilia-  Romagna Train
NAPOLI - Chiaiano Piazzale Monaldi, Via  Leonardo Bianchi Villa Literno (CE) Piazza De Gasperi, area in front of Villa Literno Station Friuli-  Venezia  Giulia  Bus
NAPOLI - Fuorigrotta Via G.B. Marino alt. Curva   A Afragola (NA) Via Arena, area in front of Napoli Afragola AV Station Lazio  Bus
POZZUOLI Via Antonio Pio - Toiano;·  Via Libero Bovio -  Monterusciello Napoli Piazza Garibaldi, area in front of the Central Station Lombardia Train
BACOLI Cappella
Giugliano in Campania (NA) Istituto "Don Diana", via Ripuaria Umbria
MONTE DI PROCIDA Via Panoramica Casa Comunale Giugliano in Campania (NA) Istituto "Don Diana", via Ripuaria Abruzzo
QUARTO Market area, Parking area Ipercoop Aversa (CE) Piazza Mazzini, area in front of Aversa Station Toscana Train
MARANO DI NAPOLI Stadium Via Giovanni Falcone (Via  Musella entrance) Afragola (NA) Via Arena, area in front of Napoli Afragola AV Station Liguria Train
GIUGLIANO IN CAMPANIA Parking area in front of  “Champs  Elysees” Villa Literno (CE) Piazza De Gasperi, area in front of Villa Literno Station

