17 settembre 2019

Exe Flegrei 2019

The exercise, which will take place from 16 to 19 October, involves the municipalities of the red zone of Campi Flegrei, the Campania Region, the Prefecture of Naples and the Centers of Competence of the Department of Civil Protection. The goal: to update the planning for the volcanic risk of the area.

The "Exe Flegrei 2019" Excercise project  was conceived with a clear objective in mind : updating volcanic risk  planning for the Phlegraean area. The project which started some years ago,  eventually led to the definition of the scientific scenario of reference and the consequent identification of new red and yellow areas, through the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers signed on June 26, 2016.

The Full-scale exercise "Exe Flegrei 2019" will be set in the Campania region  from 16 to 19 October . The national scale drill provides for the involvement of municipalities in the red zone of the Campi Flegrei area , the Prefecture of Naples, the Campania Region and the Centers of Competence of the Department of Civil Protection (INGV, Study Center Plinivs-LUPT and CNR-IREA). Also, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces twinned with the municipalities of the red zone will participate as observers.

The exercise scenario simulates a variation of the monitoring parameters and the occurrence of phenomena that will lead to a transition from the current state of yellow alert of the volcano, to a situation of orange alert, up to a state of imminent eruption, or red alert level. The passage to the different alert levels will be sequential and characterized by variable durations.

The exercise is an opportunity to elaborate, test and improve the operational, procedural and methodological aspects of territorial and sector planning and also to prepare a summary report with strategies and operational choices. This exercise is intended to boost  planning activities in the field of volcanic risk, according to the guidelines given by the Head of the Civil Protection Department on February 2, 2015, and  indications on updated emergency planning specifically addressing  safety  evacuation measures for the population within the Vesuvian «Red Zone », that includes the Campi Flegrei area.

On this occasion, the information campaign ‘Io non Rischio’ -I don't take risks- will specifically focus on the Campi Flegrei area, for the dissemination of information on:

  • the volcano and its phenomenology;
  • the warning system;
  • the National Civil Protection Plan: reference scenario, alert levels, red and yellow zones, population  removal plan and twinning.

The "I don’t take risks" gazebos will be set up in some waiting areas of the municipalities in the red zone on 19, October.

Campi Flegrei is a vast active volcanic area, with a diameter of more than ten kilometers and a unique structure: not a volcano in the shape of a truncated cone but a depression called "caldera" in the center of Pozzuoli, which stretches from Monte di Procida to Posillipo.

Compared to the central volcanoes, characterized by frequent eruptions occurring from a single crater and the deposits of volcanic materials that lead to the construction of cones (lava flows and pyroclastic products), the caldera show significantly different structure and behavior. In fact, the vast majority of the calderas produce eruptions that are unlikely to present regular patterns. In general, explosive eruptions of variable scale prevail, arising from scattered mouths, some or many of which may be very intense and violent. Also, the calderas are characterized by thermal anomalies of the subsoil and presence of abundant hydrothermal manifestations.

The last eruption of the Phlegraean Fields occurred in 1538 and within a few days, gave rise to the slag cone of Monte Nuovo inside the caldera. Since then, the volcano has been dormant although it shows signals of activity such as seismicity, gas emissions and soil deformation.

The pre-eruptive condition of the Phlegraean Fields, defined as weak unrest, strong unrest and imminent eruption, can be recognized essentially through the variation of the magnitude orders of specific thresholds of phenomena detectable through the measured monitoring parameters. It should be noted, however, that the identification of any threshold value appears difficult to apply, given the unpredictability and variability of the behaviors observed in many calderas.

From 2012 to the present, the variations of some monitoring parameters measured in the caldera area required an increase in the alert level from green (quiescent state) to yellow (weak unrest) and the activation of the operational attention phase.

The Exercise will take place from October 16 to 20 and includes both large-scale and command post activities.

On October 16, the main activities of the day will be the monitoring and evaluation of the state of the volcano by the Centers of Competence: Vesuvian Observatory of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and the Institute for the electromagnetic detection of the environment (Irea) of the National Research Council (CNR).

On October 17, a special meeting of the National Commission for the Forecasting and Prevention of Risks or Major Risks Committee (CGR) and the gradual activation of the Civil Protection System will take place. In view of the data from the monitoring networks of the INGV and the assessments of the CGR, the transition to the orange alert level follows. The President of the Council of Ministers, on proposal of the Head of the Civil Protection Department, after hearing the President of the Campania Region, activates the operational phase of pre-alarm and declares the state of emergency.

The Civil Protection Operational Committee is immediately convened and the Civil Protection System is activated also at  local level, with the establishment of the Emergency Coordination Centre (CCS) of Naples and the Municipal Operational Centers (COC) of the municipalities in the red zone. Subsequently, the Command and Control Directorate (Di.Coma.C.) is activated on the territory, with the following closure of the Operational Committee.

On October 18, the Di.Coma.C. is fully operational and the sector's plans tested, in particular those for public order, the Health sector and the safeguarding of Cultural Heritage. In this phase, independent evacuation of the population begins: for exercise purposes, some municipalities will test this activity using local police cars, without the involvement of population.

In consideration of the further variations of the monitoring parameters and of the evaluations of the CGR, the passage to the level of red alert is arranged. The President of the Council of Ministers declares the operational phase of alarm that involves the activation of the population removal procedure on October 19, with the consequent test of the population evacuation from the municipalities in the red zone.

The Department has provided for an evaluation program in which representatives of the civil protection sectors of the autonomous regions and twinned provinces and municipalities of the Vesuvian red zone will participate.

At the end of the exercise, on October 20, a debriefing will be held to share the first results and gather observations from the various actors participating in the exercise, while the analysis of data and information will be documented in a final report.


The last eruption of the Campi Flegrei vulcanic area occurred in 1538 and within a few days, gave rise to the slag cone of Monte Nuovo inside the caldera. Since then, the volcano has been dormant although it shows signals of activity such as seismicity, gas emissions and soil deformation.

The pre-eruptive condition of the Campi Flegrei area, defined as weak unrest, strong unrest and imminent eruption, can be recognized essentially through the variation of the magnitude orders of specific thresholds of phenomena detectable through the measured monitoring parameters. It should be noted, however, that the identification of any threshold value appears difficult to apply, given the unpredictability and variability of  behaviors observed in many calderas.

From 2012 to the present, the variations of some monitoring parameters measured in the caldera area required an increase in the alert level from green (quiescent state) to yellow (weak unrest) and the activation of the operational attention phase.

The main objectives to achieve are to test civil protection planning for volcanic risk at various territorial levels, are to improve, verify or refine the processes and activities specified below:

  • the process of evaluation by the scientific community for the passage of the alert level necessary for the activation of the operational phases;
  • the activation and organization of the local operational centers Rescue Coordination Center (CCS) and Municipal Operational Centers (COC);
  • the setting up, organization and activation of the Command and Control Department (Di.Coma.C.) in the Municipality of San Marco Evangelista;
  • testing the functionality of the waiting areas identified for the exercise;
  • the design and organization of the meeting area "Istituto Don Diana" in the Municipality of Giugliano in Campania;
  • the organization of assisted transport with the verification of the population evacuation plan.

The exercise is also an opportunity to test  participative planning, administrative continuity and registration of the population that will use the assisted transport. These activities will be carried out and programmed in the framework of pilot projects developed in some municipalities of the Phlegraean Red Zone.

L’esercitazione prevede la realizzazione di progetti pilota in alcuni Comuni dell’area flegrea. L’obiettivo è mettere a punto metodi di lavoro replicabili nei comuni della Zona rossa, anche vesuviana.

  • Progetto di pianificazione partecipata 
    Realizzato con  il supporto di Fondazione Cima, ha coinvolto il Comune di Quarto per la costruzione di un percorso partecipato. Tale percorso è finalizzato alla preparazione delle attività esercitative, ma tale attività getta le basi anche per un percorso di aggiornamento del Piano di protezione civile comunale. Il progetto ha previsto la partecipazione diretta della popolazione, attraverso incontri con gli stakeholder sulle aree di attesa; la restituzione dei risultati della partecipazione al Comune, alla Regione Campania, al Dipartimento della Protezione Civile; la condivisione e restituzione delle scelte individuate per l’esercitazione.
  • Progetto di registrazione della popolazione che si allontana con modalità di allontanamento assistito
    La registrazione della popolazione sarà condotta in due fasi differenziate (aree di attesa e di incontro) attraverso un software che sfrutta la lettura ottica del codice a barre. Il programma è stato sviluppato dalla comunità dei volontari della Provincia di Cremona e già impiegato in Lombardia in occasione dell’Expo 2015.
    Nel dettaglio, nelle aree di attesa (Bacoli, Monte di Procida, Marano di Napoli, Napoli, Pozzuoli e Quarto) saranno registrate le singole persone e poi, tramite lettura del codice fiscale del capo famiglia, sarà visualizzato l’elenco dei componenti del nucleo. Alla popolazione sarà quindi rilasciato un QR Code con i dati identificativi. Nelle aree d’incontro (Giugliano in Campania e Stazione FS di Napoli Centrale), la rilevazione della popolazione sarà invece condotta attraverso lettura ottica del QR Code ricevuto nell’area di attesa. Le informazioni identificative saranno scaricate sul computer collegato al lettore ottico e potranno quindi essere trasmesse ai centri di coordinamento attivati.
  • Progetto per la continuità amministrativa
    Predisposto in collaborazione con Anci, ha coinvolto i Comuni di Bacoli e Napoli. L’esercitazione è occasione per testare l’operatività della colonna mobile degli enti locali coordinata dall’Anci e in particolare le dotazioni di risorse umane, mezzi e attrezzature per supportare le funzioni amministrative dei comuni in difficoltà. Tra le attività testate, il reperimento e l’invio di personale comunale a supporto delle amministrazioni coinvolte e l’attivazione di nuclei presso i Centri operativi comunali attivati.

In occasione dell’esercitazione è prevista la realizzazione della Campagna di informazione “Io non rischio”, declinata nello specifico sui Campi Flegrei, per la diffusione di informazioni su:

  • il vulcano e le fenomenologie che lo caratterizzano;
  • il sistema di allertamento;
  • il Piano nazionale di protezione civile: scenario di riferimento, livelli di allerta, zona rossa e zona gialla, piano di allontanamento e gemellaggi.

I gazebo “Io non rischio” resteranno aperti per tutta la giornata di sabato 19 ottobre e saranno allestiti nelle aree di incontro di Giugliano in Campania "Istituto Don Diana, Via Ripuaria" e presso la Stazione Centrale di Napoli, e in alcune aree di attesa dei comuni della zona rossa. In particolare:

  • Bacoli: area di attesa "Miseno"
  • Marano di Napoli: area di attesa "Parcheggio Stadio"
  • Monte di Procida: area di attesa "Via Panoramica/Casa Comunale"
  • Napoli: area di attesa "B2 - Parcheggio Ippodromo" 
  • Pozzuoli: area di attesa "Via Campana/Via Artiaco"
  • Quarto: area di attesa "Piazzale della Villa Comunale"

Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito della campagna "Io non rischio"