19 ottobre 2019 - I don't take risks volcano Phlegraean Fields, the new feature of 2019
The campaign takes place in the municipalities of the Phlegraean Red Zone on October 19 on the occasion of the exercise Exeflegrei 2019.
The new communication campaign "I don't take risks volcano Phlegraean Fields" is the focus of the last day of the exercise ExeFlegrei 2019 which takes place from October 16 until today in the municipalities of the Phlegraean Red Zone, where more than 60 volunteers are working as communicators of civil protection.
On the occasion of the simulation of the population removal operations from the area at risk, involving real local population groups, in the "Waiting Areas" and in the "Meeting Areas" where the exercise scenarios are tested, civil protection volunteers, properly trained, disseminate the main information on the volcanic risk of the Phlegraean Fields and on the National Civil Protection Plan.
As for the campaign on earthquake, flood and tsunami risks, the informative materials illustrated to citizens have been developed by a working group made up of experts from the Department, the Vesuvius Observatory of the INGV, the Campania Region and the partners of the I don't take risks campaign which have been formulated in a simple language to reach directly the population.
The traditional yellow gazebos of " I don't take risks" are set up in the meeting area of Giugliano in Campania, at the "Istituto Don Diana, Via Ripuaria" and in the waiting areas of Bacoli "Miseno"; Marano in Naples "Parcheggio Stadio"; Monte di Procida "Via Panoramica/Casa Comunale"; Naples "B2 - Parcheggio Ippodromo"; Pozzuoli "Via Campana/Via Artiaco" and Quarto "Piazzale della Villa Comunale".
Other groups of volunteers of"I don't take risks" inform citizens about the campaign at the municipal infopoints set up to present to citizens the municipal plans for civil protection.
In the Central Station of Naples, where specific exercise activities involving the population of Pozzuoli are carried out, a gazebo I don't take risks has been set up where, in addition to the explanation and diffusion of the materials, card, leaflet, the video "Phlegraean Fields Risk and the Civil Protection Response" has been projected. The activity continued on a Red Arrow train on which the departure of citizens to Lombardy, a region "twinned" with Pozzuoli, was simulated.
The associations participating in the campaign are: Acerra Municipal Group, C.R.I. Comitato di Napoli Coordinamento C.R.I. Regione Campania, Associazione Volontari Campani, Nucleo Volontari Protezione Civile Pomigliano D'arco, Torre Vesuvio Pro Natura, Gruppo Comunale Torre Annunziata, Nucleo A.N.C. Marano di Napoli, Falchi Del Sud.
The campaign I don't take risks volcano Phlegraean Fields is promoted and implemented by the Department of Civil Protection, Anpas- National Association of Public Assistance, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology-Vesuvian Observatory, the Consortium of the Network of University Laboratories of Earthquake Engineering and the Foundation Cima, in collaboration with the Campania Region.