Ukraine emergency: state of emergency extended to March 3, 2023
Deadlines to apply for subsistence allowance open January 1 on the dedicated platform
The deadline of the state of emergency approved on February 28, 2022 to ensure assistance to the Ukrainian population in Italy following the severe international crisis has been extended to March 3, 2023. This new deadline was provided for in Budget Law 2023 (Article 1, paragraphs 669 and 670), definitively approved by the Senate on December 29, 2022, and coincides with the deadline set by the Council of the European Union in Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of March 4, 2022.
Accordingly, from January 1 and until March 3, 2023, through the dedicated platform accessible at, people who have applied for a residence permit for temporary protection after September 30, 2022, can apply for the subsistence allowance.
The contribution - recognized for a maximum of three monthly payments from the date on the receipt of the application for the residence permit and within the limit of the state of emergency - is 300 euros per month per adult. The parent of minor children is granted a supplement of 150 euros per month per child. To receive a monthly share of the contribution it is necessary to be, or have been, in autonomous accommodation (not assisted in facilities financed by the Italian state) for at least ten days in a month.
Budget Law 2023 also provided that, should the Council of the European Union extend the deadline currently set for March 3, 2023, any further extensions at the national level may be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of the Civil Protection Code, within the limits of the available resources, by resolutions of the Council of Ministers.