Ukraine emergency: 16 Ukrainian patients transferred to Italy
Patient transfers managed by the Remote Centre for Health Rescue Operations (CROSS) via MedEvac
To ensure the transfer of Ukrainian citizens in need of urgent medical assistance - in the territories of Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Moldova - the Civil Protection Department has activated the CROSS - Remote Centre for Health Rescue Operations
The Center that coordinates the medical evacuation operations, between yesterday and today has transferred 9 pediatric cancer patients, who will be assisted by the health services of the regions of Lazio, Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy. A further 7 patients have been transferred in the last few days, making a total of 16 people transferred via MedEvac since the beginning of the emergency.
The Remote Centre for Health Rescue Operations, within the framework of the European Civil Protection Mechanism and following a specific request of the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission (DG SANTE) will continue together with the regional health referents the recognition of available beds in the Regions and Autonomous Provinces and the organization of the transfer of patients.
Photo: MedEvac transport of Ukrainian patients by aircraft of the Italian Guardia di Finanza / Guardia di Finanza