26 ottobre 2010

Reggio Calabria and Messina earthquake 1908-2008

Copertina Terremoto calabro messinese 1908-2008

The Civil Protection Department and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology published a volume with a collection of photos of the 1908 earthquake that destroyed Messina and Reggio Calabria to commemorate the centenary of the disastrous event.

The photo galleries highlight the main moments of the seismic phenomenon in relation to human life: the consequences of destroyed houses and infrastructure, environmental disruption caused by the seaquake, rescue and first aid activities, life in the barracks, and, lastly, the return to normal.

The 100th anniversary of the earthquake represents a precious occasion to accelerate the awareness process on seismic risk, as respect to seismic regulations represents the only defense we have against this type of tragedy.


  • Autore: Civil Protection Department, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
  • Curatore:
  • Editore: Alinari 24Ore
  • Lingua: Italiano
  • Pagine: 176
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2008
  • Edizione:
  • ISBN:
  • Disponibilità: Yes
  • Disponibilità online: Yes
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