news21 novembre 2022

XX National Day for School Safety

"Impossible Interviews" on Flood, Earthquake and Climate Change supplement the educational kit for teachers realized thanks to the collaboration between the Department and Cittadinanzattiva

XX Giornata Nazionale per la sicurezza nelle scuole - Immagine in evidenza

"Give voice to safety and sustainability" is the 20th National Day for School Safety slogan. First launched in 2002 by Cittadinanzattiva following the Molise earthquake in San Giuliano di Puglia, the National School Safety Day was established by Law No. 107 in 2015 as a time to remember the victims of unsafe school buildings and to raise awareness in schools across the country on the theme of safety. The National School Safety Day falls each year on November 22, the anniversary of the 2008 collapse at the "Darwin" high school in Rivoli, in the province of Turin. Every year, on this anniversary, thanks to the collaboration between the Civil Protection Department and Cittadinanzattiva that promote projects and competitions of ideas, students become protagonists in activities to reduce risks in the territories.

The national appointment of the 2022 edition of the initiative is scheduled for today, Monday, November 21, in Rome, from 11 AM to 12:30 PM, in the Aula Magna of I.I.S. "Luigi Einaudi." Each year, for the National Day, the Smart box of materials designed by the Department and Cittadinanzattiva and distributed to all schools to talk about risks is enriched with new tools.
On the occasion of the 20th edition, a kit containing "impossible interviews" on Flood, Earthquake and Climate Change has been created to involve children and young people.

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