Wood fires: the fourth informative seminar for Dos kicks off
It will be held from 12 to 16 December at the airport of Pratica di Mare
Once again this year, the Civil Protection Department organizes an informative seminar for the directors of extinguishing operations (Dos).
The course is held from 12 to 16 December at the airport of Pratica di Mare, with the didactic support of the Air Space Control Training Division of Air Force.
Officers from Regions and Autonomous Provinces, National Forestry Corps, Fire Department and Civil Protection Department will partecipate to the seminar.
The Informative Seminar for the directors of extinguishing operations (Dos) is one of the Civil Protection Department's initiatives to deal in a more effective way with wood fires on the entire Italian territory and optimize the use of the National Air Fleet during extinguishing activities.
One of the main objectives of the initiative is to teach all participants wood fire fighting and let them know experts in order to deepen these themes.
During the seminar, some interesting aspects will be deepened, such as the use of extinguishing products, the capability of aircraft direction and its aspects of command and control and the standardization of the equipments of Dos.
Among the activities, we signal the use of simulation capacity, already adopted by the Air Space Control Training Division to train air-traffic controllers, and now tailored for wood fire fighting with the application software “Protciv fire” developed just for the Department for Aib of Dos.