news8 novembre 2013

Vuelco: second project workshop

On 7 and 8 November the Department hosts national and international experts to study management modalities for volcanic crisis


The second day of the workshop "Scientific advice, decision -making, risk comunication" opened today, November 8, 2013. It is organized by the Civil Protection Department as part of Vuelco - Volcanic Unrest in Europe and Latin America, a project funded by the European Commission with the aim of improving the management capacity of volcanic crisis. The seminar, started yesterday, focuses on the interaction and communication between the scientific community, decision- makers and citizens and on decision-making during the volcanic unrest phase - which is the period of crisis that may precede an eruption. Attended by representatives of the Department, of INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the Committee of Major Risks and experts in the field of volcanology from 14 countries, where there are about 500 active volcanic areas. In particular, the presence of international figures is an opportunity to learn and share the experiences that various countries of the world have developed on these issues and to outline possible best practices.

The whole day is dedicated to the subject of the communication of volcanic risk, and in particular to the need to increase of awareness and responsiveness of communities at risk. The lineup of the interventions, which will be moderated by the Director Postiglione of the Voluntary Work, Training and Communication Office of the Department, includes the contributions of the Assessor for Civil Protection of the Campania Region Cosenza, the sociologist at the University of Bristol Christie and Chief Editor of the "National Geographic Italy " and "Le Scienze" Cattaneo.

Yesterday's lineup was instead divided into two sessions: the first dedicated to the interaction between scientists and decision makers, the second centred on emergency planning and volcanic crisis management. The Head of Department Gabrielli, Vuelco Project Coordinator Gottsman, the President of the Major Risks Committee Maiani and the Director of the Volcanic Ingv Papale started the works. The Director of the Seismic and Volcanic Office Rosi opened the session and illustrated how the exchange of data and information between the
Competence Centres and Central functional centre for volcanic risk of the Department, emphasizing the role of Committee for Mahor Risks to provide advice on specific and particularly sensitive scientific and technical matters. Then the jurist and geologist at the University of Bristol Bretton intervened, highlighting the need to analyze carefully and make as transparent as possible the process of risk assessment, focusing on what should be done, by whom and when. A representative of the Japan Meteorological Agency closed the morning session, and explained the system for the reduction of volcanic risk in Japan, focusing on what has been done during the eruption in 2011 of Mt Kirishima.

In the second session, the Director of the Emergency Office Curcio presented the planning work that the Department is carrying out together with the local authorities for volcanic risk on Mount Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei. It was followed by the presentation of two case studies from Japan and the Philippines: the first concerns the eruption of Mt Usu in 2000 and was illustrated by Okada, executive director of NPO - cemi and professor emeritus at the University of Hokkaido, the second, the management of the crisis of the volcano Pinatubo in 1991, and was told by the American volcanologist Newhall and the Director of the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Philippines Solidum.

This workshop, following the first meeting of Vuelco of 18 November 2012 in Colima, Mexico, rrepresents an important opportunity for dialogue between scientists, representatives of civil protection, regional authorities, lawyers and media experts who will discuss issues of common interest, particularly sensitive to civil protection. The Department strongly wanted to host and organize the event, due to the importance that the issue of volcanic crisis management plays for Italy, and this has involved some of the leading experts in the world to gather information, tips and ideas that can be transferred and applied to the Italian territory.