news27 ottobre 2020

The European Geosciences Union (Egu) announces the 2021 Awards

Awards to individuals providing important contributions in the field of research in Earth and Space Sciences. Among the winners the director Fausto Guzzetti

Identify models likely to become the reference point for future generations of scientists on Earth. This is the core objective set by the European Geosciences Union (Egu) to award each year medals and prizes to distinguished candidates for their contributions to Earth and space science research.

For next year's edition, one of the 51 winners, with the medal Sergey Soloviev, is the Director of the Department of Civil Protection's Technical and Scientific Activities for Risk Prediction and Prevention Office, Fausto Guzzetti.

"The news of the Soloviev Medal came with an email, welcomed and unexpected. I spent a considerable part of my research career dealing with natural risks, particularly geo-hydrological risks, and I am pleased that the EGU has recognised my work, which is also that of the many colleagues I have worked with", said Guzzetti.

Egu is an international non-profit association that counts more than 12,000 scientists from all over the world, including scholars involved in geoscience, planetary and space sciences and related studies.

Egu's mission is the dissemination and promotion of Earth and Space Sciences, the environment and planetary science, and to promote collaboration between scientists working in these fields. EGU has a portfolio of 16 different scientific journals and organises meetings around the world aimed at educating and raising public awareness.

The annual General Assembly, which will be held next year from 25 to 30 April and during which the awards for 2021 will be presented, is the largest and most important European geoscience event. The assembly attracts scientists from all over the world with meetings covering a wide range of topics, including natural hazards, planetary exploration, Earth's structure and atmosphere, climate, energy and resources.