"Terremoti d'Italia" comes to Palermo
From 17 April to 6 May, the exhibition will be hosted in the Sicilian capital. The objective: raising visitors' awareness of the seismic risk in Italy
The second Sicilian stop of the itinerant exhibition "Terremoti d'Italia" kicks off in Palermo. Realised by the Civil Protection Department and presented in Sicily as part of the activities of the events linked to "2023 the year of seismic prevention in Sicily", the exhibition will be open to visitors free of charge in Piazza Unità d'Italia from today, 17 April, until 6 May.
The Sicilian route of the exhibition began in Catania last March, a city where more than 6,000 visitors had the opportunity to learn up close about one of the natural risks that most affect our country: the seismic risk.
The exhibition, aimed at citizens and in particular the children visiting it thanks to the participation of schools, is intended to help them understand in depth what an earthquake is and what to do to reduce the effects. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience earthquakes first-hand - guided by volunteers from the Lares Italia association - through two simulators designed to reproduce seismic movement.
Another part of the exhibition is the "I don't take risks" communication campaign on the diffusion of good Civil Protection practices, thanks to the contribution of Sicilian volunteers who will meet visitors to talk about the natural risks the territory where they live is exposed to and share the correct behaviour to adopt to prevent damage and the recommendations to follow in case of emergency.
The exhibition is open from Monday to Saturday from 9 AM to 1 PM and from 3.30 PM to 7.30 PM, and on Sunday from 9 AM to 1 PM. It is possible to book a visit by filling out the online form available at the following link.