news9 luglio 2024

Stromboli: state of mobilization declared

Minister Musumeci and Head of Department Curcio visit the island to oversee the ground forces' activities

Effetti della colata lungo la Sciara del fuoco

Due to increased volcanic activity at the Stromboli volcano since June, the subsequent rise of the alert level from orange to red on July 4, and the activation of the pre-alarm phase, the Minister for Civil Protection signed yesterday, July 8, the decree declaring the state of extraordinary mobilization of the National Service. Therefore, The Civil Protection Department will coordinate resources and interventions to support the Sicilian Region and local civil protection. This includes planning and organizing potential assistance and rescue for the population.

Today, July 9, Minister Musumeci and Head of Department Curcio visited Stromboli to conduct an aerial inspection of the volcano, particularly along the Sciara del Fuoco. Subsequently, they participated in a technical meeting at the Advanced Operations Center - Coa to discuss the volcano's current activity and the measures implemented by the civil protection system. The meeting was attended by, among others, the Prefect of Messina, Cosima Di Stani, and Mayor Riccardo Gullo, as well as representatives of operational structures on the ground. Additionally, the Minister and the Head of Department met with a delegation of citizens.

Volcano monitoring activities are conducted remotely and on-site by the Centres of Competence, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, CNR-IREA, and the Universities of Florence, Palermo, Pisa, and Turin. In addition, the operational structures, including the Fire Brigade, Police Force, Port Captaincy-Coast Guard, Guardia di Finanza, civil protection volunteers, and Italian Red Cross, are present on the island to provide support to local structures and to carry out ground surveillance and assistance to the population. Teams from the Civil Protection Department and the Civil Protection of the Sicilian Region operate on-site at the Advanced Operations Center (Coa).

Due to the recent volcanic activity, the precautionary measures implemented by the Mayor's Ordinances to protect the residents and visitors of the island are still in effect. It is important for everyone on the island or planning to travel there to adhere to the regulations and stay updated on current events by referring to official sources such as the Municipality, Region, Department, and INGV.

Photo: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology