news19 aprile 2023

Safety and health at school: the winning projects of the 17th edition of the Good Practices Award "Vito Scafidi"

For the first year, thanks to the collaboration between the Department and Cittadinanzattiva, a special section dedicated to sustainability and climate change has been presented.

Cerimonia 2023 Premio Vito Scafidi_Cittadinanzattiva_evidenza

Today, April 19, 2023, at the Europa Experience-David Sassoli Center in Rome, the award ceremony - attended by the Deputy Head of the Civil Protection Department - of the winning projects of the 17th edition of the "Buone Pratiche di Educazione alla Sicurezza e alla Salute a Scuola-Vito Scafidi" (Good Practices of Safety and Health Education at School-Vito Scafidi) for schools of all levels took place.

Ninety schools attended this edition of the Prize-promoted by Cittadinanzattiva, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Civil Protection Department, as part of the national "Learnaresicuri" campaign-with projects covering various topics: correct behaviors to face emergencies inside and outside the school building; prevention of bullying, cyberbullying, gender-based violence and vandalism; environmental protection; road safety; conscious use of technologies and social networks; wellness education through food habits and behaviors, sport activities, lifestyles; and active citizenship education through the promotion of civic education paths, solidarity experiences towards weaker individuals, experiences of civil coexistence, legality, and social inclusion.

The winning project in the "safety at school and in the territory" area was "Safety First: safety at 360°" implemented by the Istituto Comprensivo Giardini of Giardini Naxos, in the province of Messina. "L'educazione alla cittadinanza attiva" presented by the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Vittorio Emanuele II - Ruffini" of Genoa won the prize for the "active citizenship education" area, while "Promuovere salute e benessere con enigmi e rompicapi" from the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Eugenio Bona" of Biella was the winner of the "wellness education" area.

For this 17th edition, a special section has been introduced, "sustainability and climate change," promoted by the Civil Protection Department, won by the project "L'acqua della nostra preziosa" from the Istituto Comprensivo S1 in Arzignano, in the province of Vicenza.

Five projects were also awarded special mentions by the jury: "'Strade di vita' by the Liceo Scientifico 'M. Guerrisi" of Cittanova, in the province of Reggio Calabria, " La parità di genere" of the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Lorenzo Lotto" of Trescore Balneario, in the province of Bergamo, "Sotto i nostri occhi" - Percorso di educazione alla cittadinanza attiva in collaborazione con la Caritas di Udine of the Liceo Scientifico "Niccolò Copernico" of Udine, "Il circolo dei lettori - sportivi inclusivi!!!" of the "Laeng - Meucci" High School in Castelfidardo, in the province of Ancona, "l cambia ‘mente’ - Il gioco per conoscere quanto sono sostenibili i propri stili di vita!" of ISA 2 - Secondary School I Grade "Due giugno" in La Spezia.

The press release of the event is available on CittadinanzAttiva's website, and the Youtube channel has a playlist of the videos presenting the winning and mentioned projects. 


Photo source: CittadinanzAttiva