news15 novembre 2022

"Protezione Civile e coesione Territoriale": November 21 workshop in Rome

The results of PONGOV1420 programming and the 2021-2027 risk reduction scenarios

Workshop Protezione civile e coesione territoriale 21 novembre 2022

On Monday, November 21 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, the final event of the Risk Reduction Program implemented by the Civil Protection Department under the 2014-2020 PON Governance and Institutional Capacity, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, will be held at the MAXXI Auditorium in Rome.

An opportunity to assess the activities carried out with the regions supported by the Program, the products developed and the results achieved. But also an important moment of discussion on the opportunities offered in risk reduction by the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy program, as well as the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Launched in 2016 and aimed at the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily, the Department's Program aimed to improve strategies for hydrogeological, hydraulic, seismic and volcanic risk reduction for civil protection purposes by strengthening governance, cooperation between different levels of government, and territorial capacities and skills.

The activities supporting the regions, along with the development of methodologies and guidelines, were concluded in December 2021, and also became the subject of a publication entitled  Metodi e strumenti per il potenziamento della governance a scala comunale e sovracomunale ai fini di protezione civile (Methods and Tools for Strengthening Governance at Municipal and Supra-Municipal Scales for Civil Protection Purposes), available in pdf at this link.

From best practices learned from outgoing programming, the workshop focuses the discussion on the 2021-2027 risk reduction strategy and the integration between the different levels of government and institutional actors involved, with the aim of achieving, throughout the country, essential levels of safety and adequate climate change adaptation measures.

Live streaming on the Department's website and YouTube channel.