Project H-SAF: the 5th informative workshop is underway
Online activities will run until January 28

H-SAF products presentation; use of satellite products for flood and drought monitoring and water resources management; analysis of case studies in hydrological and emergency management applications in various regions, including Europe and Africa. These are the main topics of the 5th H-SAF User Workshop (EUMeTrain), running from today until January 28 in online format.
The Project H- SAF-Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management aims to develop, distribute and archive satellite products to support operational hydrology, exploiting the availability of conventional and satellite data through the use of hydrological and hydraulic models applied in early warning, agriculture and climate change assessments.
Among the 11 EUMETSAT and ECMWF Member States involved in the Project, Italy - as host country - plays an important coordinating role thanks to the work of the Italian Air Force, the CNR and the Department of Civil Protection, which since 2005 participates also to the verification of satellite products on European territory for hydrological applications.
More information on the contents of the workshop and how to participate are available on the EUMeTrain website