news28 novembre 2023

Proculther-Net: on 6 December the Final Conference in Rome

Registration for the live streaming is open until 30 November

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Next December 6th the “Sala di Rienzo” Conference Centre in Rome will host the conference closing the first phase of the European project Proculther-Net - Protecting Cultural Heritage from the Consequences of Disasters-Network, aimed at establishing a community dedicated to the protection of cultural heritage at risk within the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network.

Around 30 experts will attend the event, representing the Consortium Partners together with the national and international actors who have contributed to the implementation of the project activities over the last 24 months.  Italy will be represented, in addition to the experts of the Italian Civil Protection Department working group engaged in the project, also by the stakeholders of the National Civil Protection Service, and by the institutions that contribute to the protection of cultural heritage at risk, such as the Ministry of Culture, the National Fire and Rescue Service, the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Italian Army.

The Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department, Mr Fabrizio Curcio will introduce the Conference, after which speeches by Project Director, Mr Giovanni De Siervo, and representatives of the Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations - DG ECHO and the European External Action Service - EEAS will follow. The latter will illustrate the challenges that await the Union, the regulatory frameworks and initiatives promoted to address them, including through inter-agency cooperation, and will present their vision of the potential contribution that the thematic community within the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network can provide in this sense.

In addition, the conference will be an opportunity to share the results achieved and lessons learned in the framework of Proculther-Net at international and national levels. The last part of the Conference will address the debate and give voice to remote participants who will have a chance to exchange ideas and proposals on the next activities to be carried out for the establishment of the international community dedicated to the protection of cultural heritage at risk.

The event can also be followed in webinar mode by accessing this link as of Thursday, 30 November.

To date, around 140 professionals have registered, in representation of over 40 countries, 30 of which members of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.