PONGOV1420: online the Department's program results volume
Insights into methods and tools for strengthening governance at municipal and supra-municipal level for civil protection purposes
The volume "Modi e strumenti per il potenziamento della governance a scala comunale e sovracomunale ai fini di protezione civile" (Methods and tools for strengthening governance at municipal and supra-municipal level for civil protection purposes), which presents the products and results of the Risk Reduction Program implemented by the Department of Civil Protection under the PON Governance e Capacità Istituzionale 2014-2020, is available online.
"At the end of this long journey, the results achieved have exceeded expectations," explains the Head of Department Fabrizio Curcio in the introduction. "Through the 14-20 Program it has been possible to verify and demonstrate that processes of improvement in this specific area are only possible through participatory approaches with the actors involved, and that the effectiveness of these types of interventions is mainly determined by the ability to ensure continuity and constancy over time, creating protections, not only physical, but also cultural and related to human resources."
The first part of the book is focused on the territory and the identification of the Optimal Territorial Ambits defined by the Civil Protection Code. Then, the topic of governance enhancement is explored in relation to the various risks, specifically, "Seismic and Volcanic Risks: Assessing Operations for Emergency Management" in the second part and "Hydrogeological and Hydraulic Risks: Improving Forecasting and Non-Structural Prevention" in the third.