Phlegraean Fields: two days focused on analyzing activities after the 4.4 earthquake
The civil protection system discussed how to enhance response capacity in case of an event
May 30 and 31 were dedicated to analyzing the activities carried out by the Civil protection system in the Phlegraean Fields area affected by the magnitude 4.4 earthquake on May 20.
On May 30, technical meetings took place simultaneously at the Municipal Operational Centres (COC) of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, and Naples and in the Relief Coordination Centre (CCS) of Naples. Personnel involved in civil protection activities discussed methods to improve response capacity during crises or emergencies. The participants included the Mayors of Pozzuoli and Bacoli, the Director of Civil Protection of the Campania Region, representatives of the City and Prefecture of Naples, as well as the National Fire and Rescue Service and the Department.
The analysis focused on the activities carried out by support functions after the May 20 earthquake. These activities included municipal planning and the organization of Territorial Coordination Centers, providing assistance to the population, conducting inspections of public and private buildings, ensuring educational continuity in schools, disseminating information to the population, managing data, monitoring traffic and escape routes, and addressing health aspects, particularly for people with disabilities.
On May 31, discussions continued at the Municipal Operational Centre of Pozzuoli. During a plenary session, the results of the analyses conducted in the technical meetings were shared. The Head of the Civil Protection Department, the Prefect of Naples, the President of the Ingv, the Director of the Vesuvius Observatory, the regional health representative, and the representatives of the Asl 1 and 2 of Naples were present. The meeting was also attended by mayors of municipalities in the Phlegraean red zone for volcanic risk who were not directly involved in the management of the event.
Several priorities emerged from the debate that need immediate attention. These include updating municipal civil protection plans to improve the functioning of waiting and reception areas in relation to the bradyseismic phenomenon, ensuring more effective management of citizen reports, particularly on home inspections, through automated procedures, and paying particular attention to the needs of the most vulnerable.
Fabrizio Curcio, the Head of Department, expressed his gratitude to the volunteers, mayors, regional civil protection structure, the Prefecture of Naples, representatives of the scientific community, and all the operational structures involved for their dedication since the early hours after the earthquake and the work done in the area over the years. Curcio emphasized the significance of these two days of reflection held "during this delicate time, as many citizens still require assistance."
Finally, during his speech, the Head of Department stressed the importance of differentiating communication in ordinary situations and during emergencies, when citizens require direct contact with local authorities to receive timely information and service.