news29 maggio 2020

On June 4th a webinar on the analysis of the Limit Condition in Emergency in Sicily

The registration form is available at this link


An online seminar to deepen the analysis of the Limit Condition in Emergency (CLE) in Sicily. The webinar, scheduled for Thursday, June 4th from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, is part of the cycle of seminars organized by the Civil Protection Department in the framework of the Program "Civil Protection: towards a stronger governance for risk reduction" together with the Territorial Cohesion Agency and the beneficiary Regions. The event is realized with the support of the National Research Council.

The analysis of the Limit Condition in Emergency was launched in Sicily within the Municipalities included in the Seismic Microzonation Plan. In order to optimize this process and to improve its implementation, the webinar addresses the critical issues related to the detection and implementation of the computerization standards, answering to the questions raised by the implementing subjects. The optimization of the implementation processes is one of the activities foreseen by the Department's Risk Reduction Program.

It is possible to register for the event by filling in this form. Enrollments are open until all 250 places have been filled. To participate it is necessary to have a broadband internet connection, headphones or speakers.​