news2 dicembre 2020

On December 10th a webinar on non-structural prevention of hydrogeological and hydraulic risk in Calabria

The event is organised as part of the Department's Risk Reduction Programme, implemented within the PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020. Live streaming of the event available at this link

A webinar on non-structural prevention of hydrogeological and hydraulic risk in Calabria.

The webinar, which will take place on Thursday 10 November from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., is part of the seminars organised in the framework of the Programme "Civil Protection: towards a stronger governance for risk reduction" by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with the Territorial Cohesion Agency and the target Regions of the Programme activities. The webinar is realised with the support of the CIMA Foundation.

The Calabria Region, after the approval of the Territorial Context (Delibera di Giunta n. 498/2019) and the Guidelines for the drafting of the Municipal Civil Protection Plan (Delibera di Giunta n. 611/2029), aims to continue the implementation of risk forecasting and prevention measures in its territory through the strengthening of civil protection planning and the organization of the Hydraulic and Hydrogeological Territorial Presidium. With the aim of optimizing this path and promoting its implementation, the webinar addresses the methodological aspects related to planning on a supra-municipal scale and the setting up of a Territorial Presidium.

The streaming of the event is available at this link