Meritorious awards: the decree of the Minister for Civil Protection published in the Official Gazette
Issued 14 new attestations among more than 1,000 applications received

The Decree issued by the Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies of February 27, 2023, assigning 14 new certificates of public merit from the Department of Civil Protection, of which 9 collective and 5 in the form of individual merit, has been published in the Official Gazette No. 140 of June 17, 2023, from more than 1,000 applications received.
The awards have been granted for meritorious participation in one of the emergencies for which applications could be submitted within three months from the date of the termination of the state of emergency. Specifically, 52 emergencies have been considered, and for eight of them the awards were given: the weather events in the province of Livorno in September 2017; the weather events in the Emilia Romagna region in December 2017; the Morandi Bridge collapse in August 2018; the weather events in the Lazio region in October 2018; the weather events in the Veneto region in October 2019; the earthquake in the Republic of Albania in November 2019; the weather events in Sicily in November 2019; and the earthquake event in Croatia in December 2020.
The applications received, whether individual or collective, have been carefully examined by a Permanent Committee composed of: experts in the field of honorifics and experts in international award systems; officials of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, including officials of the Civil Protection Department; officials of the Ministries of Defense and the Interior; and representatives of the National Council of Civil Protection Volunteers, the Regions and the National Association of Italian Municipalities. The positively evaluated applications were then submitted to the Head of the Civil Protection Department, who, thereafter, proposed them to the Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies for the following concessive decree.
The decree has been published not only on the Department's website but also on the PIB platform - Information Procedure for Merit, and all the awarded persons have been entered in the Public Register.
This is the sixth decree published after the legislation reforming certificates of public merit came into effect. A total of 236 meritorious awards have been granted to date, with more than 7,000 applications received, for more than 120 states of emergency reviewed.