Mantua, "Resilient enterprises and territories. The partnership between Confindustria and Civil Protection".
Mr. Angelo Borrelli, Head of the Department, intervened at the conference, to promote operational synergies and measures to prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies.
A meeting open to citizens to enhance the active collaboration between the public and private system in terms of prevention, preparation and management of emergencies: this is the focus of the conference "Businesses and Resilient Territories. The partnership between Confindustria and Civil Protection" which takes place today, January 23, in Mantua, at the headquarters of Confindustria.
The initiative, promoted by Piccola Industria Confindustria, Department of Civil Protection and Confindustria Mantova, is part of a common path started on the national territory, with the aim of enhancing the active collaboration between public and private system for the benefit of the community, through the implementation of operational synergies.
After the introduction of the President of Confindustria Mantova, Edgardo Bianchi, and the President of the Committee of Small Industry Giorgio Luitprandi, Marco Occhi, Vice President of Unione Parmense degli Industriali intervened to illustrate the task force of Confindustria Mantova for emergency, prevention, resilience for the community. Angela Nadia Sulis from the Lombardy Region, Scira Menoni from the Milan Polytechnic and Carolina Bellantoni, Prefect of Mantua, followed.
A conclusive round table was led by the Vice President of Piccola Industria Confindustria Diego Mingarelli and the Head of the Civil Protection Department Angelo Borrelli.
The conference is part of the activities provided for in the memorandum of understanding signed by Confindustria and the Civil Protection Department, which aims to build authentically resilient communities in a "team" perspective. A fundamental relationship that takes into account that, in case of emergency, the continuity of production activities, as well as their timely recovery, is crucial not only for the single company, but also and especially for the recovery of communities. This fundamental aspect must be combined with the constant involvement of production activities in the construction of a widespread culture of prevention and emergency preparedness in our country, because protecting the territory also means protecting the companies operating and investing in it.