news13 luglio 2020

MaGIC Project: the results of the study on the Italian seabed have been published

It is possible to display and download in different formats the data provided by MaGIC and MaGIC 2.

Starting from today all the data produced in the framework of the project MaGIC - Marine Geohazards along the Italian Coasts, and its extension MaGIC 2, are available on this platform. The project, funded by the Department of Civil Protection, whitin a Framework Programme Agreement with the National Research Council - CNR, aimed at defining the dangerousness of the Italian seabed, to improve the risk mitigation activity and the management of emergencies.
The activity is the most ambitious and innovative of its kind, required many years of work and the collaboration of the whole community of Italian marine geologists, from CNR institutes, Universities represented by the National Interuniversity Consortium for Sea Sciences - CoNISMa, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS, and a research unit of the University of Nice, willing to extend the project also in French territorial waters bordering Italian seas.
After a challenging work of analysis, organisation, and interpretation of the collected data, it is now possible to consult and download the data of the 68 over the 73 charts produced by the MaGIC Project, in different formats, at 1:50.000 scale. The maps cover the underwater areas in front of the coast of central-southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and Liguria. Each map is geo-referenced and organised in informative layers. Soon, also the informations about the 5 missing charts (referring to the Liguria and the French sector) will be published.

To further investigate the research carried out within the MaGIC project, enhancing its civil protection purposes, MaGIC 2 used the information contained in the 72 italian coasts maps to classify them according to their susceptibility to the main marine geo risks. The critical points, namely the situations of special attention, have been hierarchically ordered and each of them has been associated with a class of susceptibility ("low", "medium", "high"), about their possible effect - direct or indirect - both on the coast and the stretch of sea ahead.

Among the available products, there are the data provided by the Hydrographic Institute of the Navy - IIM, under an agreement signed with the Department, also for the sectors not covered by the MaGIC project.

For further information, the metadata describing, contextualizing and specifying the user licence of the data produced within the MaGIC and MaGIC 2 projects can also be consulted at this link.