"L'attimo decisivo - La virgola" in secondary schools of the Phlegraean Fields
The second issue of the comic strip of the "I don't take risks" campaign is out
The second issue of the comic strip "L'attimo decisivo" titled "La virgola," on the ongoing bradyseismic crisis and volcanic risk in the Phlegraean Fields, is reaching the desks of secondary school students located in the red zone.
The initiative is promoted by the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies and the Campania Region in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Merit and produced by the Department of Civil Protection, Civil Protection of the Campania Region, and the Vesuvius Observatory of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology as part of the Communication Plan foreseen by Decree-Law No. 140 of October 12, 2023.
"L'attimo decisivo" is a project of the I don't take risks campaign, which focuses on increasing risk awareness among the younger generation. In the second issue, the four main characters - Samira, Carlo, Katja, and Paolo - embark on an exciting adventure at the Phlegraean Fields. Here, they learn about the volcanic nature of the area, the phenomenon of bradyseism, past eruptions, present risks, the civil protection plan, and prevention measures to adopt.
Following the release of the second issue, the website https://www.attimodecisivo.iononrischio.gov.it/en/ has been updated to host the new content. This includes a browseable version of the comic strip, the audiobook and in-depth videos that can be accessed from the QR codes included in the comic strip. The videos feature the young protagonists illustrating particular aspects of the volcanic area and the national civil protection plan, as well as providing information on good practices to adopt. In addition, on the I don't take risks YouTube channel, there are video lessons hosted by scientists and civil protection experts. These lessons are designed to help teachers better contextualize the contents of the comic strip.