news27 novembre 2022

Ischia flooding: activities of the National Service continue

State of Emergency declared with 2 million euro allocation for early interventions

Alluvione Ischia: le attività messe in campo dal Servizio Nazionale

After the extraordinary weather events that yesterday struck the island of Ischia, particularly affecting the municipality of Casamicciola, the Council of Ministers - at the proposal of the President Giorgia Meloni and the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies Nello Musumeci - today declared a state of emergency for 12 months.

For the implementation of the first urgent interventions aimed at relief and assistance to the population and the restoration of the functionality of public services and infrastructure of strategic networks, 2 million euros have been allocated from the National Emergency Fund.

The work of the rescuers on the island continues to secure the population, provide assistance to citizens, and reach isolated areas. About 230 people have been evacuated while 15 homes have been damaged by the landslide. 

Search activities for missing people have never stopped. 7 victims have been identified, and 5 people are still missing.

(last update 11/27/2022 - 3:00 PM)