news6 giugno 2020

I Don't Take Risks 2020: today's web meeting with volunteer trainers

Looking forward to October 11, the Campaign is on the way to the tenth anniversary edition.

I Don't Take Risks comes back through new ways, but always willing to spread the good practices of civil protection.  
This morning, Saturday 6th June, the web meeting with over 150 volunteer trainers . "I Don't Take Risks" is taking place, with the aim of organising the return to the squares of Italy with the Campaign promoted by the Civil Protection Department, Anpas, Ingv, Fondazione Cima e ReLuis, scheduled for 11th October 2020, which also this year will open the Civil Protection Week, at its second edition.
With a new modality, based on a telematic service, as today's meeting and also the future appointments up to the innovative and challenging proposal of the meeting of civil protection volunteers with citizens in the digital squares.
At the opening of the meeting for the presentation of the 2020 Campaign the message of the Head of the Department of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli, who stressed that at this particularly difficult time the union is of fundamental importance, "physically distant but socially close". Later in the morning the volunteers, divided into virtual classes, will discuss and share their knowledge in workshops focused on the introduction of the new way in which this year I Don't Take Risks will take place. The exhibition of the contributions produced by each groups and the discussion between the participants and the organizers will be held before the closing of the work.
2020 marks a very important milestone for I Don't Take Risks. This will be an opportunity to celebrate the first ten years of activity, carried out with great pride and enthusiasm thanks to the commitment of many voluntary communicators who year after year decided to join the path of knowledge about the risks of our territory and the dissemination of good practices of civil protection in our communities.