Florence, "Science for Civil Protection: hydrogeological risk"
The program of the study day promoted by the Civil Protection Center of the University of Florence, as part of the National Week of Civil Protection
On Thursday, October 17, in the Brunelleschi Hall of the Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence will host the Study Day "Science for Civil Protection: hydrogeological risk", organized by the Civil Protection Center of the University of Florence, the Competence Center of the National Service of Civil Protection.
The Study Day, promoted as part of the National Week of Civil Protection, opens with speeches by the Rector of the University of Florence, Luigi Dei and the Head of the Department of Civil Protection, Angelo Borrelli.
Following, the contributions of the University of Florence with the interventions of Nicola Casagli, Filippo Catani, Giovanni Gigli and Fabio Castelli and the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology with Carlo Meletti.
During the morning's work, the hydrogeological risk faced from different points of view will be the main focus. In fact, we will talk about risk assessment, forecasting, prevention and support to emergencies, but also about risk scenarios, with a close look at the history of our country, which will also be recalled with an intervention dedicated to the flood of Florence in 1966.
The day will end with a round table open to representatives of the Department of Civil Protection, the Region of Tuscany, the City, the Prefecture and the metropolitan city of Florence, the professional associations.
The participation to the study day is open to all. For further information, please consult the website www.protezionecivile.unifi.it.
Photo: Museo degli Innocenti, Florence