news25 settembre 2012

Floods in Liguria, Tuscany and Messina: the Committee of Garantors met

Telephone and media operators - partners of the fundraising - took part to the meeting

Telephone and media operators, representatives of the Department and the Committee of Garantors, -established to ensure the a correct use and supervision of money raised with donations following the emergencies in Liguria, Toscana and in the province of Messina last year- took part to a meeting on 25 September in the premises of the Civil Protection Department.

The Head of Department opened the meeting, underlining the function of the Committee.
The meeting aimed at assessing the projects already approved in Tuscany and Liguria and at analyzing the project presented by Sicily Region to employ at best the raised money.In Tuscany, about 2.5 million euros have been raised for the reconstruction of the primary school “Micheloni”. The intervention hasn't been started yet, as other projects have the priority in Aulla.

In Liguria, two projects are instead being completed: the first one, carried out in the Municipality of Borghetto Vara, aims at recovering safety measures following the landslide that hit the village. About 2 million euros were raised for the project. The second regards the Municipality of Genova and, in particular, the torrent Ferraggiano and the creation of an alert system for the population. The intervetion will be carried out with the 1.5 million euros raised. The total raised for Liguria region is 3.5 million euros.

A project has been presented to the Province of Messina to rebuild the houses of the worst affected municipalities during the floods. Over the next few days, telephone and media operators will establish whether the project can be commenced. 703 thousand euros have been raised for the project.

In order to follow the evolution of the intervetions, the Committee of Garantors and the telephone and media operators will meet every month.