news27 giugno 2024

Exercise on bradyseism: intervention model of the Rapid Emergency Planning tested

Head of Department, Curcio, supervised the activities on the ground

Esercitazione Campi Flegrei

The second exercise took place on June 25 to 26 to test the Rapid Emergency Planning for the area affected by bradyseism in the Phlegraean Fields. The exercise, organized by the Civil Protection Department in agreement with the Campania Region, involved the municipalities of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, and Naples, the Metropolitan City and Prefecture-UGT of Naples, as well as civil protection operational structures and the Vesuvius Observatory of the Ingv.

At 2:30 p.m. on June 25, the exercise program began with the Vesuvius Observatory reporting a hypothetical seismic swarm in the Phlegraean Fields area with a maximum magnitude of 4.4. There were several very shallow events, with the epicenter mainly located in the Accademia-Solfatara area of the municipality of Pozzuoli. It was observed that the deformation reached 3 cm in two days. The assumed criticalities are attributed to the third scenario foreseen by the Rapid Emergency Planning.

Activation procedures and communication flows were tested during the first day. The Civil Protection Operational Committee also met in Rome at the headquarters of the Civil Protection Department.

On the second day of the exercise, which took place on June 26, field procedures were tested to ensure support to the affected population. The model that was tested is the one that was implemented after the earthquake that occurred on May 20. This model, which was developed thanks to the exercise, primarily focused on the municipalities of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, and Naples. Reception hubs were set up in specific locations where citizens' needs and requests for assistance were addressed. In Pozzuoli, the reception hub was located at the Palazzetto dello Sport-Palatrincone, in Bacoli at the Gramsci school, and in Naples at the Headquarters of the 10th Municipality. Citizens who visited the waiting areas provided by the municipal civil protection plan were then transferred to the relevant hubs, where accommodation needs were simulated.

The exercise was also an opportunity to address infrastructure issues, including those related to port activities that pose potential risks during ground uplift.

A test was held at the Baia Castle in the presence of the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, the Head of Civil Protection Department, Fabrizio Curcio, the general director of Civil Protection of the Campania Region, Italo Giulivo, and the mayor of Bacoli, Josi Gerardo Della Ragione, addressing the protection of cultural heritage.

ASL Napoli 1 and ASL Napoli 2 conducted evacuation exercises at the nursing home (RSA) in Toiano, Pozzuoli, and the nursing home (RSA) in Posillipo, Naples. A Health Point (HP) was set up at the waiting area in Viale della Liberazione/via Sibilla in Naples, and urgent needs were assessed at the hub in Via Acate using the computerized "SVEI" form.

As part of the second day of the exercise, the Fire Department tested the absence of volcanic gas emissions inside the Agnano basin's emissary tunnel. This request came from the Naples Prefecture's Relief Coordination Centre (CCS) after receiving a report from the Consorzio di Bonifica della Conca di Agnano e dei Bacini Flegrei, the organization responsible for the reclamation of the Agnano Basin and Phlegraean Basins.

During the exercises, over 100 volunteers, activated by the Campania Region's Regional Operational Room, were involved in different areas to support municipalities in preparing planned structures and providing accurate information to citizens. These volunteers have received prior training on bradyseismic crisis and volcanic risk.

The day was also an occasion to raise awareness of the importance of prevention and spreading risk awareness to the Phlegraean Fields. Information points distributed materials from the "I don't take risks" communication campaign, including the second issue of the comic strip L'Attimo Decisivo titled "La Virgola." This comic was created as part of the Communication Plan by the Campania Region and Civil Protection Department under DL 140 of October 12, 2023.

In the debriefing at the Prefecture of Naples, the great work of all the involved institutions on the ground was emphasized. However, there was also a call for greater participation from the public in the upcoming exercise in October. This need was also highlighted by the Head of Department, Curcio, who spent the day in the field monitoring the exercises