EXE Flegrei 2024: institutional meetings on the exercise continue
The exercise is scheduled for October 9-12 and will impact the seven municipalities in the red zone for volcanic risk in the Phlegraean Fields

As part of the EXE Flegrei 2024 exercise, several meetings are scheduled to explain the exercise days' schedule and present civil protection planning related to volcanic risk in the Phlegraean area to all institutions, representative bodies, and citizens present in the area. Two meetings with an international scope were recently held. On September 24, the Civil Protection Department and the Civil Protection of the Campania Region met with foreign Embassies and Consulates in Italy and the NATO Command in Naples. On September 25, the Civil Protection Department and the City of Naples met with representatives of the Mediterranean Coordination Office of the IOM-International Organization for Migration (the UN Migration Agency) and representatives of diasporic associations and communities.
The first meeting occurred at the OMFOP - SUD, the Southern Operational Forces Command in Naples. It was attended by the Civil Protection Department, the Prefecture of Naples, and the Civil Protection of the Campania Region. There were 62 participants representing 36 countries, with all continents being represented, including Europe, North America, South and Central America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
Diplomatic representatives, NATO Command in Naples, DG ECHO of the European Commission, and NATO's Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center were also invited to send observers for the exercise activities.
The second meeting occurred on September 25 at the Red Cross headquarters in Naples. It was attended by representatives of associations and diasporic communities residing in the municipalities of the Phlegraean area.
The initiative, led by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with IOM and the City of Naples, aimed to promote informational sessions organized by the Department, the Campania Region, seven municipalities in the red zone, and the INGV Vesuvius Observatory. These sessions are designed to inform citizens about how to participate in exercise activities. On October 12, there will be a test of the assisted evacuation procedures in case of possible volcanic eruption alert, and citizens are encouraged to participate in the exercise.
In addition to the Civil Protection Department, City of Naples, IOM, and the Italian Red Cross, representatives from Tanzania, Senegal, Nigeria, Ukraine, Somalia, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, China, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Belarus, and Benin attended the meeting.