Emilia-Romagna weather emergency: the extension of state of emergency has been approved
The Council of Ministers approved a decree law providing the first urgent measures to support the affected areas
The Council of Ministers held today, May 23, at Palazzo Chigi, approved the first important measures to support the territories affected by the bad weather emergency in Emilia-Romagna.
The state of emergency declared on May 4 for the bad weather emergency that affected the provinces of Reggio-Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ferrara, Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena starting May 1, was extended to the flooding events that again affected Emilia-Romagna starting May 16, including the province of Rimini.
The Council of Ministers also approved a decree-law containing the first urgent measures to support the areas affected by the flooding. The measures include refinancing of the National Emergency Fund with 200 million euros allocated entirely to this emergency.