The Council of Ministers has approved the extension of the state of emergency until December 31, 2023
Ukraine emergency: measures to assist the population extended to December 31
The Council of Ministers, on proposal of the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Nello Musumeci, has approved the extension of the state of emergency to December 31 2023, to ensure reception and assistance on the national territory to the population coming from Ukraine following the ongoing international crisis.
In the same meeting on February 23, 2023, the Council of Ministers also approved Decree-Law No. 16 of March 2, which regulates the continuation of reception and assistance measures addressed to temporary protection applicants or those who are already beneficiaries of temporary protection as a result of the Ukrainian crisis.
The activities that continue on the national territory are:
- Widespread reception carried out by Third Sector and Social Private entities in collaboration with municipalities, as provided for in Art. 31 of DL n. 21/2022, also providing for the possibility of the activation of agreements with territorial value.
- The Subsistence Allowance, also introduced by Art. 31 of DL No. 21/2022, for assistance to recipients of temporary protection who found independent accommodation. The contribution, which can be requested through a dedicated platform, is recognized for a maximum period of three months.
- The strengthening of social services in those municipalities that host a significant number of temporary protection beneficiaries.
- The reception of people from Ukraine in the CAS-Centri Accoglienza Straordinaria and SAI-Sistema Accoglienza Integrazione network, managed by the Ministry of the Interior.
- Assistance for unaccompanied minors from Ukraine.
It also remains, until December 31, 2023, guaranteed health care for temporary protection recipients with the same conditions applied to Italian citizens.
The decree-law has, moreover, provided for the extension of the validity of residence permits for temporary protection-hitherto issued to citizens from Ukraine-to December 31, 2023. The residence permit loses its effectiveness and is revoked, even before that expiration, if the Council of the European Union takes a decision to terminate the temporary protection.