news4 aprile 2020

Coronavirus emergency: the Ukrainian health team in Italy

The team will support the hospitals of Pesaro and Urbino in the Marche Region.

The international solidarity to support Italy in the fight against the Covid-19 emergency goes on by providing support to the health care teams in the Regions and Autonomous Provinces with a significant contribution in terms of experience and know-how.​
Landed this morning at the airport of Pratica di Mare a team of 20 doctors and nurses from Ukraine who will reach the health facilities of Pesaro and Urbino.

To welcome the team, together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi Di Maio, the Director of the Civil Protection Department and coordinator of the technical-scientific committee on Coronavirus Agostino Miozzo.
The mission, stemming from the Ukrainian Prime Minister's offer to the Italian Ambassador in Kiev, took shape thanks to the common commitment of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and his Ukrainian homologous, Dmytro Kuleba. The Civil Protection Department provided assistance in identifying the destination structures for the staff on the basis of the needs represented by the regional structures.
Specifically, a team of 13 doctors and 7 emergency area nurses will operate mainly in the intensive care and emergency medicine units. Tomorrow, the health care staff will begin their training course and provide support to their colleagues in the Marche region.

An important contribution in parallel to that of the international teams from Albania, China, Cuba, Germany, Russia and the United States, already working in Italy. Also, a delegation from Egypt will arrive today, with the Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed. Many other countries continue to offer support to our country in order to face this complex health emergency together.
Photo source: Facebook page of the Ukrainian Embassy to Italy