Contact Center: data six months after the kick-off
97% of requests has been sorted out
Six months have gone by since the opening of the Civil Protection Department's Contact Center. From 4 July 2011 some 4,500 requests of citizens arrived at the toll free number 800 840 840, the online form and other tools available to the public.
Only the 3% of these requests is still being processed. The number of sorted out requests (90%) with an immediate response or after a brief reseach of information has grown over the last few months, thanks to the new formulation of FAQs regarding the most requested subjects. The remaining 10% needed a longer processing period, as the Deparment's offices and services were involved.
The toll free number 800 840 840 remains the more used tool to contact the Department (83%), followed by requests by email or PEC – Certified E-mail (10%), online form (4%) or fax and traditional mail.
In line with the objectives of the service, the most frequent types of requests are: info requests (79%), various requests (9%), reports (4%), intervention requests (3%) and offers, critiques and praises for a total percentage of 4%. We signal a 4% of the requests that are not of competence of the Department.
The 56% of requests or reports regard civil protection events. Peaks were registered during the floods in Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany. The 900 requests received (20% of the total number) lead to the extension of the contact center opening. The service was extended to a 24h basis also from 22 to 24 September 2011, during the emergency of the of the re-entry of NASA's satellite UARS - Upper atmosphere research satellite: the tool free number 800 840 840 received over 1,000 calls in three days, the maximum peak since the activation of the service.
Among the most requested themes, meritorius service awards (7%), voluntary work (7%) and questions on the Department's activites (7%). The 3% of requests regard critical situations, i.e. long-lasting phenomena for which a state of emergency has been declared.
Followring the flooding of the last few months, most of the requests arrive from Liguria (17%), followed by Piedmont (14%), Lazio (9%) and Lombardy (9%).
The contact center is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.Ricordiamo. It integrates different tools: principalithe toll free number 800 840 840 and the online form "Write to the contact center", along with Pec, fax and traditional mail.