Bradyseism in the Phlegraean Fields, a meeting with the citizens of Pozzuoli
Head of Department Fabrizio Curcio will also attend the meeting
Today, April 11, at 3 p.m., the Municipality of Pozzuoli, Campania Region, and Civil Protection Department are hosting a meeting to inform citizens about the ongoing phenomenon of bradyseism in the Phlegraean Fields volcanic area. The gathering will be held in Monterusciello, at the Pozzuoli Municipal Operations Center (Centro Operativo Comunale—COC ) headquarters at Via Elio Vittorini No. 1.
The event is part of the Communication Plan jointly developed by the Campania Region and the Department under Decree-Law No. 140 of October 12. The event's primary objective is to provide the population with the latest information about the ongoing crisis of bradyseism and highlight the measures implemented as per the Decree-Law.
During the meeting, answers to citizens' most frequently asked questions will be provided from a scientific perspective and regarding the broader response of the civil protection system.
Other than the Mayor of Pozzuoli, who is the host of the event, the Head of the Civil Protection Department, along with Deputy Head, Regional Councillor for Security, Law, and Immigration, Director General of Civil Protection of Campania Region, Deputy Prefect of Naples, and Mayor's delegate are attending as representatives of the institutions. From the scientific research bodies, the attendees include the Director of the Ingv Volcanoes Department, the Director of the Ingv-Vesuvius Observatory, the President of the Network of the University Laboratories of Seismic Engineering (Reluis), and the Scientific Director of the PLINIVS Study Center.
This website recently published a timeline describing the Civil Protection System's response to the ongoing crisis of bradyseism in the Phlegraean Fields, starting with the seismic events of September 27 and October 2.
In addition, the Q&A section contains a list of questions gathered in recent months from the several institutions involved, which may be extended following today's meeting.