news28 maggio 2023

Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna: the number of people assisted decreases 

Orange alert forecast for today, yellow alert forecast for tomorrow in the areas hit by bad weather in the past weeks - updated at 5 PM of May 28, 2023

Maltempo Emilia Romagna

The commitment of the National Civil Protection Service to support the regional Civil Protection structure of Emilia-Romagna, the Municipalities, Provinces and Prefectures in the territories affected by the bad weather emergency continues. To ensure assistance to the population and appropriate interventions to restore the areas, about 6,000 men and women of the operational structures (National Fire Department, Armed Forces, Carabinieri, Coast Guard, State Police, Guardia di Finanza, Italian Red Cross, national and regional voluntary organisations, regional mobile columns and companies of essential services) with more than 900 vehicles are operational.

In view of the reduction of critical situations in the territories, the number and specialisation of the forces in the field is being reorganised. In the next few days, the focus will continue to shift from urgent technical rescue to residual risk assessment: the monitoring activity on instability will be strengthened with the deployment of teams from the national centres of competence (Ispra, University of Florence and CNR), coordinated by the Civil Protection Department, together with the Emilia-Romagna Region structure and the regional technical-scientific community. 

The Anci local authorities' mobile column is also being activated: hundreds of units of technical and administrative experts belonging to municipal administrations will work alongside local operators to ensure the continuity of ordinary activities that have been severely challenged by the emergency.

Meanwhile, the number of people assisted in facilities provided by the municipalities and in hotels has decreased to approximately 1,300. There is also an improvement in the picture of power outages and telephone interruptions that remain concentrated in the municipalities of Conselice and Casola Valsenio.

The teams activated through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism from Slovenia, Slovakia and France continue to work, joined by the HCP-High Capacity Pumping module coming from Belgium and operating in Conselice.

In addition, specialised personnel from the central and territorial structures of the Ministry of Culture, assisted by volunteers from Civil Protection volunteer organisations, the fire department and the Carabinieri's Cultural Heritage Protection Command are also working to secure the artistic and cultural heritage.

For today, an orange alert has been issued for hydraulic risk in the areas affected by the severe weather in recent weeks, while a yellow alert is planned for tomorrow.