“Earthquake I don't risk”: training of Anpas volunteers goes on
Training days are held on 7 and 8 October in the premises of the Department
The training of Anpas volunteers goes on: on 22 and 23 October they will take part to the awareness campaign "Earthquake: I don't risk" in the squares of nine Italian municipalites.
The initiative is promoted by the Civil Protection and Anpas, in collaborazione con l’Ingv-Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia e con ReLuis-Consorzio della Rete dei Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica.
Volunteers' seismic risk training started last June and involved at first 23 Anpas volunteers, who trained, in turn, about 70 volunteers during summer, thus becoming actors in a process of diffusion of awareness.
The 7 and 8 October training days, held at the premises of the Civil Protection Department, complete this path with discussion, in-depth examinations and simulation exercises.
About 100 volunteers will be involved in Italy's squares on 22 and 23 October to answer to the citizens' questions on seismic risk. Objective of the campaign is to promote a prevention culture, train up a volunteer more aware and specialized and start a process that leads the citizend to acquire an active role in reducing seismic risk.