“2011-2012 Snow Plan” of Viabilità Italia is now available
The plan aims at preventing possible road traffic inconveniences during winter
Viabilità Italia, the road traffic monitoring centre, has launched the “2011-2012 Snow Plan". The document was created in collaboration with boards and administrations that belong to Viabilità Italia, among which the Civil Protection Department.
The centre was created in 2005 and guarantees the coordination of interventions- also the prevention ones- with quickness and effectiveness, should the system be slowed down by weather events or large exoduses.
The Plan aims at preventing road traffic inconveniences that might occur during winter.
The document focuses on:
• Prompt interventions of structures depending on weather forecasts and presence of criticalities;
• Detecting road portions and areas, both inside and outside the motorway network, affected by the accumulation of trucks in order to guarantee assistance in case of a temporary halt of vehicles;
• Improvement of collaboration procedures of the Operating Committees for road traffic – C.O.V. of Prefectures with Viabilità Italia and on the territory with local boards, Police Forces and adjoining C.O.V. in case of larger criticalities;
• Improvement of information flows and communication to users.
The Plan provides for tailored measures such as an updated mapping of areas and motorway junctions hightly exposed to criticalities due to snow or as integrated actions of all relevant subjects: Operating Committees for road traffic of Prefectures, Traffic Plice, Carabinieri, motorway dealers, Anas, Fire Department, National Civil Protection Service and the new members:Inspectorate of motorway dealers vigilance, Union of Italy's Provinces, National Association of Italy's Municipalities.
The Prefecture of Potenza, along with the Prefectures of Salerno, Cosenza and Matera and Anas has created a plan for the A/3 Salerno - Reggio Calabria motorway, in addition to the document.