press release1 marzo 2022

Ukraine: Civil Protection, the load of Italian aid left

200 tents for a capacity of 1000 beds have been made available 

Avezzano, 1 marzo 2022 - Container con 200 tende da campo in partenza dal polo logistico di Avezzano per la Polonia, in direzione del centro individuato per la raccolta degli aiuti umanitari alla popolazione ucraina

The equipment supplied by the Italian Civil Protection to assist the Ukrainian population left the logistic pole of Avezzano. The transport of 200 field tents with a capacity of 1,000 beds will be guaranteed by the Italian Red Cross that will deliver the material to Prochowice, in Poland, a collection point identified by the European Commission as a logistics center for humanitarian aid. Three officials of the Department will reach Poland to ensure the logistical coordination of Italian aid.