Coronavirus: instructions for repatriation of italian citizens from abroad
they will also be subject to health surveillance and ordered to self-isolate for a period of fourteen days
Italian citizens returning to Italy from other countries will undergo the same airport control procedures planned and activated since the outbreak of the COVID-19 emergency, thanks to the support of civil protection volunteers and health personnel. The State Police will carry out the usual border checks facilitating the completion of the required self-certification form upon arrival prior returning to one's residence or home.
In compliance with the measures in force for the mobility of people within the national territory, only one person will be allowed to reach the airport, rail station or harbour to facilitate the return home of their fellow citizen. The procedure changes as per the assessment of the above request regard the "state of necessity" which must be self-certified by the completion of the form issued by the Ministry of Interior , that must be duly filled in all its parts by the applicant indicating, in particular, the route traveled prior entry into Italian territory.
Furthermore, as provided by Decree 120/2020 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in agreement with the Ministry of Health, Italian citizens returning from abroad, even in the absence of symptoms attributable to Covid-19, are required to communicate their entry in Italy to the Disease Prevention Department of the local Health Authority. Upon arrival they will also be subject to health surveillance and ordered to self-isolate for a period of fourteen days.