press release27 maggio 2022

Civil protection: the issuance of the subsistence allowance for Ukrainian people

From today, more than 22 thousand citizens from Ukraine can go to any Post office to withdraw the subsistence allowance

mockup sms contributo di sostentamento

Ukrainian citizens eligible for the subsistence allowance for March and April, who submitted the application by May 9 and for whom the Civil Protection Department has completed all the verifications, can go - only after receiving the notification by text message - to any office of Poste Italiane on Italian territory to withdraw the contribution.
A total of 22 thousand contributions for a total of about 36 thousand people (including almost 14 thousand minors). The contribution payment for May and that of the remaining applications will be paid from June 10.

"The platform is running less than a month and we have been working unceasingly to achieve this goal," said the Head of the Civil Protection Department Fabrizio Curcio. " To meet the needs of the Ukrainian people, we have succeeded in anticipating the payment of the first contributions by two weeks, initially scheduled for the second week of June, and we are particularly pleased with this result. Some critical issues may occur in light of these numbers, but we will work to resolve them and our contact center is available to anyone who needs help or explanations,".

In detail, the support consists of a contribution of 300 euros per month for each adult from Ukraine and a supplement of 150 euros per month for each accompanied minor under the age of 18.

For the withdrawal, applicants will have to go to any post office and present the identity document with which the residence permit for temporary protection and a receipt of the application issued by the Questura, where the fiscal code is indicated. A period of 2 months will be given to withdraw the subsistence allowance, after which it will be revoked.

The subsistence allowance can be requested until September 30, 2022, and is recognized for a maximum of three months from the date on the application receipt; depending on the period elapsed between the application and the request for the subsidy, it can be recognized for one monthly quota, for two, or the full amount. 

It is worth mentioning that the contribution is intended for those who have applied for a residence permit for temporary protection issued by the Police Headquarters (Questura) who are, or have been, in autonomous accommodation, which means with relatives, friends, or host families for at least ten days within a month. Those who are housed in facilities made available by the Italian state (Cas-Centers for extraordinary assistance, Sai-System for reception and integration, facilities for widespread reception, hotels made available by the Autonomous Regions and Provinces) cannot apply for the subsistence allowance.