Volcanic activity
Latest update 2 January 2013
The monitoring system of the Phlegrean Fields, managed by INGV - Vesuvius Observatory, has over the past few months, registered some changes in parameters related to seismicity, ground deformation and the physico-chemical characteristics of the fumaroles.
Upon request of the Department of Civil Protection, the researchers of the INGV-OV presented the collected data and the produced documents to the Major Risks Commission - Volcanic Risk Sector, to get its assessments on the state of the volcano.
The Commission confirmed the need to raise the alert level for the Phlegraean Fields, passing from the "base" level, which corresponds to the ordinary activity of the volcano, to the "attention" level of, determined by any variation - of the ordinary condition- of any parameter monitored.
There are four alert levels set for the Phlegraean Fields: the first two levels, basic and attention, follow the pre-alarm level and alarm level.
Based on these evaluations, the Civil Protection Department has therefore decided, in agreement with Campania Region, the transition to "attention phase", which determines the implementation of the monitoring system of the volcano and the activation of a connection constant information between the scientific community and other members and operating the National Service of Civil Protection.
Any data related to the Phlegraean Fields monitoring are constantly updated on the Ingv website– Section of vesuvius Observatory.
Bradyseism. Volcanic area continues the process of raising of the ground began in 2004, when it was measured its maximum lowering bradiseismic following the crisis of 1982-1985. From 2004 to March 2011, ie 7 years, the soil will be increased by about 9 cm and only in the last two years - from March 2011 to date - there has been a total lifting of an additional 10 cm, of which about 6 cm in 2012. The GPS reference station for these measurements is that of Rione Earth in Pozzuoli, where it has been detected the greater vertical deformation of the soil.
Seismic swarm. The lift has slowed down as a result of the earthquake swarm occurred Sept. 7, 2012. The most energetic events related to this swarm (magnitude 1.7), have been felt particularly by the people of Pozzuoli. The process of lifting the soil is then taken up sharply in December 2012.
Fumarolic emissions. Similarly to what was recorded for the deformations of the soil, also geochemical data show a series of additional abnormalities, compared to that recorded from 2000, on the compositions of emissions fumaroliche the Solfatara. The evidence of these new abnormalities are visible on the surface with a series of phenomena which occur in particular in the area of Pisciarelli.
This area, which is located not far from the Solfatara of Pozzuoli, has long been home to gas emission. The first change was recorded in October 2006, when it was found to have a spring or source of boiling water, about 3 feet wide. In March 2009, the atoll was further enlarged, reaching 6.5 m in diameter and the presence of mud in the walls of the escarpment adjacent suggested that this was formed by a sudden event, like an explosion groundwater - water, mud and gas - to a much weaker. Even at the opening of a new mouth fumarolic in December 2009 was observed the presence of mud around the point of emission, with a few meters of height, suggesting that the opening of the mouth can be occurred, so weakly explosive, with the issue of mud and gas.
The area is off-limits since 2010 with a decision of the City of Pozzuoli. The presence of fluids and gases at high temperature and pressure and the possible occurrence of small explosions of water and mud make, in fact, the danger zone. You can run into burning as it may be harmful to breathe the gases emitted from fumaroles. It is therefore advisable to keep a safe distance.