Territorial planning
Compared to the past, the Italian territory has a higher geological risk, partly because of the profound processes of human who acted in the second half of the twentieth century. The high level of urbanization, lack of maintenance of rivers and slopes, deforestation and the abandonment of the mountain, the opening of borrow pits, which are those slots that are open for the realization of a work and closed when it is finished, are just some of the causes that have substantially increased the hydro-geological risk in the country. Many of the failures have occurred as a result of underestimation of the absolute or negligence of environmental factors, mainly of geological, geomorphological and hydrographic territory. To prevent flooding and landslides occurring is extremely important to manage the area so be careful. We must therefore undertake a land use planning that takes into account the organization of the social, economic and territorial extension of an area of ??supra. Are included in the planning and processing operations that the constraints for the protection and enhancement of the environment. Accordingly, the hydrogeological is regarded not as a problem in itself, but as a vulnerability factor in common with others and keep under observation in the broader context of economic planning and regional planning.
Hydrographic basins
With regard to the hydrogeological and soil conservation, to allow an organic management and mitigation, land use planning is important to report to the catchment area. It means "river basin", the territory in which the flow of rainwater or melting snow and glaciers, which form a series of rivers or in some cases, lakes into the sea. The catchment area is then considered in its unity and integrity of physical and economic and territorial unit of reference for action planning and programming.
Actions. The action planning are covered in the basin plan, intended as the instrument of knowledge, regulatory and technical-operational on which they planned and planned actions and policies aimed at the use of proper management of soil and water, on the basis of physical and environmental characteristics of the territory concerned.
The Basin Authority and plans excerpt.
Because of its complexity, the basin plan can be approved by the competent authorities of the basin, including excerpts, relating to similar areas or topic areas, constructed according to the criticality of the river basin. In this way it is now possible to address the most urgent problems. They are well prepared plans to extract the hydrogeological, said Pai, plans excerpt of river belts, plans to extract water safety, plans to extract water management, etc..
An important step in the planning of the hydro-geological risk has been done with the law August 3, 1998, No 267. This law provided that Basin Authorities and Regions shall, within a prescribed time, the delimitation of risk areas on which the rules were imposed safeguards aimed at preventing a worsening of conditions of risk with new human intervention. According to the law, the Civil Protection Department is part of the technical committees of the National Basin Authority, bodies responsible for spatial planning at the basin scale. The same law provides that these areas were prepared for the civil defense plans to protect the safety of persons