24 luglio 2016

Sistema (System) at Italy Situation Room

Sistema (System) is a national coordination centre and is part of Italy Situation Room of the Civil Protection Department, which is responsible for:

  • - monitoring and overseeing the country to identify planned or ongoing emergencies and measure and monitor their progress;
  • - alerting and activating the various components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service participating to the emergency management. 

    The room operates 24 hours a day, all year long and participate with its own location, the staff of the Civil Protection Department and a representative for each of these operating units of the National Service of Civil Protection: National Fire Department, Armed Forces, State Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, the State Forestry Corps, Port Authority - Coast Guard, Red Cross and a position for the Regions is currently under activation.

In Ordinary Time

It receives, demands, collects, processes and verifies information on planned or ongoing emergencies, in the national territories and abroad. It also captures all relevant information on interventions and policy measures at local and regional level, maintaining the necessary connection with:

  • operations rooms of the national institutional forces responsible for rescue and/or public utility;
  • civil protection operations rooms of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces;
  • operating rooms of provincial governments and Local Government-Prefectures;
  • operating rooms or central control national structures of the institutions and governments that manage the network and service infrastructures.

Sistema works closely with the various offices and services of the Civil Protection Department and maintains a constant connection information and operating with CFC - Central Functional Centre, the Coemm - Action Center for maritime emergencies and Coau - Joint Air Operations Centre.

In emergency

In addition to performing its monitoring and surveillance operations on the territory, it has the task of alerting and, if necessary, activating the various components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service.

During an emergency, Sistema is set up as Crisis Unit - S3, which is the configuration procedures required by internal activation of the Department. The activity of a crisis is organized by policy areas, the "support functions", involving various relevant services and offices of the Department and representatives of other authorities and boards responsible for the activities of the function. Each function has its own booth in the room ahd the Sistema is set up as "Operating structures" function.

Sistema follows the regulations provided for by Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 3 December 2008, published in the Official Gazette of February 19, 2009.