Office IV - Infrastructural interventions for emergency response
The Office of Infrastructural Interventions for Emergency Response:
a) coordinates the Department's activities in the elaboration and implementation, of organizational models and procedures to ensure adequate measures of housing assistance, except for what has been accomplished in the first emergency with the employment of first aid to the population such as the use of reception areas, hotels and other similar arrangements, the continuity of economic and productive activities, public functions and other socio-cultural activities, through the preparation of emergency structures, including the related urbanization works and the activities inherent in the estimation and expropriation for public utility, and/or by contracting works for immediate restoration and temporary works;
b) schedules the works requirements to acquire in relation to the different types of risks, relative scenarios and consequent emergency contexts;
c) coordinates the action of the Department, in the areas of competence referred to in letters a) and b), with the components and operational structures of the National Service of Civil Protection, including independent authorities and public and private stakeholders and promotes the participation of the Department to the activities and groups and working tables in the areas of competence of the Office.
The Office is divided into:
The service deals with:
- the planning, design and implementation of technical activities aimed at ensuring adequate measures of housing assistance as well as the continuity of economic and productive activities, public functions, other socio-cultural activities, through the preparation of emergency structures including the related urbanization works and activities related to the appraisals and expropriations for public utility, and / or by contracting works for immediate restoration and temporary works;
- support, from a technical point of view, to the activities carried out by the Administrative Service for the response to the emergency and by the Planning Service for the response to the emergency.
The Service deal with:
- the development of organizational models and procedures for works and supplies intended to meet structural needs in emergency situations;
- the preparation and management of tender specifications for the procurement of works and supplies to meet structural needs;
- The administrative management and execution of contracts for work and supplies intended to meet structural needs.
The Service deals with:
- programming of works requirements to obtain in relation to the different types of risks;
- the management of relations with the components and operational structures of the National Service of Civil Protection, including independent authorities, public and private entities involved in the activities within the competence of the Office;
- the coordination and promotion of the Department's participation in activities and working groups and tables with public and private subjects in the areas of competence of the Office.